Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Ultraman vs Godzilla

- sketching while having breakfast... for some reason pancakes reminded me of Ultraman.

Too late to realize how tiny GODZILLA was drawn, should've made him bigger. Oh well ballpens :/

Chronicles of Gilmo and Puchuchay

here's a collection of sketches that includes our two dachshund (gilmo and puchuchay)
when poochoochay attacks...
at a restaurant while waiting for breakfast, the two dogs goofing around

prime holds gilmo
puchuchay starts to grow big, bigger than my brother
designing a bedroom then gilmo pops out from nowhere :P
gilmo as extra, he hates strangers


real life picture of the two....


_____________  ruff ruff

* i miss "Puchuchay"  ....

September ender sketch dump

 here's a collection of sketches done before october,  too lazy to write captions...